Zack M.
Turner 15
The history of this road begins far back in colonial times. In 1763
history tells us of an old Indian trail or road leading from the old Indian fields, now
Hardy County W. Va. across the mountain south to the head waters of the north branch of
the Shenandoah River. It then followed this stream for miles down through Brocks Gap, then
southeast by way of what is now Singers Glen, Big Spring at Harrisonburg and on east to
the Massanutten Mountain. About four miles of this trail from Fulks Run to Brocks Gap is
in the Ft. Seybert road.
The next mention of this road was in 1757, when two hundred
Englishmen under Captain Brock were sent from Winchester to the relief of Ft. Seybert.
They passed through Brocks Gap and followed the old trail reaching Ft. Seybert too late,
the Indians having massacred the white people in the fort.
An official document tells us that in 1778 the county of Augusta
ordered a road to be marked off and laid out leading from the Indian trail above mentioned
at now Fulks Run postoffice west up Sugar River, later Stultz River, now Dry River. It
followed an Indian trail to the foot of the Great North Mountain. Then it led northeast to
the top of the mountain. It followed the top to Haul Spring. There it leads north, then
down the mountain to the South Fork Valley and across the river to where Ft. Seybert
postoffice now stands. Old documents of 1791 called this road The Wagon Road or New Dug
The next we hear of this road is in 1845 when a new survey is made
and a new road built leading up the mountain between the old Indian trail and the road of
1778. This crossed the mountain at a much lower place in the mountain. It is a shorter
route and a much better grade. This road was greatly improved along Dry River down the
main Brocks Gap Road to Fulks Run postoffice.
The lower end of this road of about eight miles from Fulks Run to
Broadway, was along the river. It crossed the river at a number of places thus making
traveling difficult and dangerous. In 1880 Mr. Ulrich Wittig was instrumental in having
this road changed so that the river is only crossed in two places between Broadway and
In 1912 a new road was undertaken by the state of Virginia, the
Board of Supervisors and citizens of Plains District. A joint fund of about $75,000 was
raised. Under the supervision of state officials and the Board of Supervisors, the work
was commenced at Broadway. The work continued for three years when twelve miles were
completed. Work then stopped.
This road is a waterbound macadamized road with a bed of twenty feet
wide. The macadamizing is twelve feet wide. The grade is about one and a half percent. The
survey of this road leads west through the village of Cootes Store, Fulks Run and on west
up Dry Run. It crosses the mountain passing through the Turner land south of the
Settlement and down Big Ruff Run to the valley, then to Ft. Seybert.
This road has more heavy hauling on it than any other road in the
state of Virginia. It has toll gates and the fund is used to pay off bonds issued for its
construction. Without this road the Brocks Gap country would be cut off from the main